Elder Rodeback

Elder Rodeback

Monday, December 31, 2012

First Christmas in the Mission Field - 12/31/2012

Dashing through the sand,
With a bomb strapped to my back.
I have a nasty plan,
For Christmas in Iraq!!!

Hahahah!  Hope ya'll was diggin' the Achmed the Dead Terrorist reference there.  Well I have to say, this was probably one of the craziest holidays EVER!  And believe me, in the Huff family there are some pretty ridiculous holidays!  To start off, our enjoyable Christmas started out at 6:30 am.  Elder Hafoka, Elder Galvez and I went outside and ran wind sprints for thirty minutes.  It was pretty cool!  Then we exchanged gifts.  Elder Hafoka gave me a boss tie AND and lava lava!  You better believe I wear the tar out of that thing.  We went to a district meeting for an hour and played sports for a couple of hours.  Then we went to missionary paradise….THE HANSEN'S!  They literally force feed you until the food has created an impenetrable wall at the back of your throat.  Then, once you think you are completely stuffed, they bring out dessert and they make you try everything!  Missionary life is hilarious!

Now for the miracle of the week.  We went and saw Brother Sinigaglia on Saturday.  We went inside and sat down and Elder Hafoka and I were just talking to him.  As we were talking, the spirit began to flood the room. It just got stronger and stronger.  We were discussing the Priesthood, because he will be receiving it soon, and he just understands everything.  As I look back and think, more and more I realize that I did absolutely nothing with this man.  That is when it hit me!  I am not here to do anything.  I am here to be a vessel for the Lord to work through.  That's the only reason we are here.  Now, I want to bring up the power of the Holy Ghost and the genuine and unique way that it works through missionaries.  I know that once we are baptized we qualify for the companionship of the Holy Ghost BUT, the key word is qualify.  It is only through obedience that we are able to use the gift.  At first I hated the feeling that I did absolutely nothing, but as I pondered it more and more, I realized how special that was.  The Spirit converted him, not me.  If I had converted him he would have been a horrible member.  The Spirit is what changes lives and truly converts people and brings them to Christ.  So, for all of the perspective missionaries who read this, remember to live worthy of the gift you have received or will be receiving soon.  Everything about your mission is based on your worthiness of the companionship of the Holy Ghost.

Well, gotta get back to my redneck, Spanish Fark accent here.  So in the words of my Grandpa, "How high is up?  True or false?"

Hope everyone is now confused beyond belief cuz that was Grandpa's favorite love, confusin' people!  Love you guys!

Elder Rodeback

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

December 17, 2012 - Manhattan Temple Trip

Toko ko fe ho su?

Tongan for "Where are your shoes?

What's up my friends and family.  Here is the shortest letter ever!
First off, I apologize if I spell stuff wrong.  The chapel is FREEZING and I can hardly feel my fingers!  I really wish that it would snow out here.  I heard that there is hardcore amounts of snow in Utah.  Yalls be so lucky!   Well, this week was crazy!  We finally had the opportunity to hit up the temple!  We went to the Manhattan Temple last Thursday and it was the best day of my mission!  The temple is just so rejuvenating.  We spent a little bit of time in Time Square.  New York is crazy!  We also met a Mormon.org star!  It was super cool!  On Saturday we were able to do some service for a guy that has received two Emmys for Special Effects.  His basement was flooded and had moldy water that smelled like rotten eggs.  I almost threw up but it was still cool.  We had another baptism on Sunday and it was amazing.  I am so happy for Kevin and his family.  I have become very close to them and I love them a lot.  This is a great beginning for them.  I'm still serving with Elder Hafoka and he is a stud!  We do good work together and have become good friends.  We are only doing service once a week now.  I hope you all have a great Christmas and remember why we celebrate.  I get to talk to my fam in a week! 

Gotta jet!  Lots to do!

Elder Rodeback

Monday, December 10, 2012

December 10, 2012

Hey guys!  Once again, Elder Rodeback shooting out another short, badly written update! 
Well I hope everyone out west is LOVING THE SNOW!  I have absolutely none to love and I am slightly bummed.  We have been working crazy hard this past week but it has been a fun packed week.  Between taking 10 minute power naps in a WalMart parking lot, to changing from our service (Mormon Helping Hands) clothes  into proselytizing clothes behind a Kmart where we were hidden from everyone!  Funny story, it took us 30 minutes to start one load of laundry in the dryer today because we kept forgetting something.  Whether it was quarters or dryer sheets or even not having enough quarters.  We have way too much fun but somehow we still work hard.  I suppose that is what a mission should be.  Working hard, but because you love what you are doing so much, it is fun!
Again, with some serious stuff.  I want to talk about miracles and obedience.  First off, I want to talk about why in the world we have commandments.  The reality is, because Heavenly Father wanted to have a reason to bless us.  By doing what he asks us to do, we receive blessings, even miracles!  I have gained such a strong testimony of how obedience brings miracles to our lives and by simply doing what we are asked to do, we not only are happier, but we are often blessed with miracles.  The power of the atonement and its changing quality is amazing.  I look back and have come to realize how important it is to rely on Heavenly Father in everything we do.  The strength that we have, the talents and gifts that we are given, everything we have, He has given to us so that each of our lives can be different.  And because we are all different, the only person we can rely on is Heavenly Father.  He gives us weakness to that we can be humble and learn to become strong.  Just like the scripture in Ether tells us.  I love being here and I LOVE that I am changing into the person Heavenly Father wants and expects me to become.
I love you guys!
Elder Patrick Rodeback

Monday, December 3, 2012

December 3, 2012

Apparently, Brother Dayley & Chris call me a tool ALL THE TIME.  So, from here on out, I am gonna refer to myself as Elder Tool ……just kidding J  I'm sorry, it slipped! 
HaHa que  pasa my amigos J
Another week, another fantastically horrific, grammar error filled update!!!  Here we go!
This past week was como un jefe!  I spent the entire time laughing and trying to keep my companion awake while we drive.  It is crazy hilarious because I will ask him a question and he will answer it and end his sentence by snoring.  I will look over at him and he is out, like a light.  Elder Hafoka and I have way too much fun together.  I need someone to send me some water balloons because we have some crazy plans in store.  So, if any of you are interested in participating in a hilarious practical joke, please send me some. J  On a more serious note, Elder Hafoka and I got A LOT of work done this week.  We did service and managed to teach as well.  We have one baptism coming up in a few weeks.  His name is Kevin.  I am so excited for him!  He has been seeing the missionaries for over a year and he wouldn't accept a baptism date.  But, because my companion is such a boss, he accepted one and is going to be baptized in two weeks hopefully.  His wife and two step-daughters are less active members and they are becoming active again.  The biggest goal that we have is to get them to the Temple to have their family sealed.  They are such a cute family and the girls really have a desire for good.
Now, for the funny story of the week.  So, at the beginning of the week Elder Hafoka and I were asked to give a blessing to a woman.  We agreed without knowing the exact address.  After driving around for twenty minutes and listening to Elder Hafoka laugh at me for singing Primary songs every time I became frustrated, we finally got there and were able to give her a blessing.

I am so grateful to have Elder Hafoka for a companion.  Not because he has a weight set or because he is teaching to speak Tongan or even because he is a stellar ukulele player.  It's because he is teaching me how to be a humble person.  Since coming out here, I have realized how important it really is to change while you are here.  There is an MTC talk that Elder Holland gave about leaving your nets.  I know that he gave it in Conference but he gave it in the MTC first and that is where I heard it and it is slightly different.  It gets me each time because in the talk he says that once we come out here, we are not meant to return to our old lives.  Because of that talk, I have made it a goal to return a different person.  I know I promised a lot of people that I wouldn't change, but that was before I had truly experienced the healing power of the atonement of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  I know my redeemer lives and it's only through his grace and mercy that we are able to live for eternity.  I know that the Lord needs me to change.  He has someone he needs me to become and who I was/am, just doesn't cover it.  Once we have taken upon ourselves that commission to baptize from Jesus Christ, we CANNOT return to what we were before.

I love you guys!  Stay strong!
Elder Patrick Rodeback